We are into different divisions in the field of real estate.We are the Builders, Developers and
Consultants.We have a back ground of 10 years in the field of real estate. Our satisfied clients
(customers) are co-operating with us to continue our Organization in a smooth way and we are very
greatful to our clients (customers).
About our Staff :
We have well qualified and efficient staff to serve our clients in a unique way to provide100% satisfaction to our most valuable clients (Customers).
About our projects and relation :
We have almost 20 finished ventures in and around Hyderabad. We value the relation with our
beloved clients.
Hyderabad 500' Nehru Outer Ring Road :
At present the major Developement in Hyderabad is "500 feet NEHRU OUTER RING ROAD".
It is around 178 Kms around the city to provide easy acessesability, to solve the traffic problem and
also to reduce the journey time. Once it is finished Hyderabad's Traffic problem will be solved.
There are so many changes are being happend in the field of real estate day-by-day. Now it's
becoming just like stock market. Because of so many reasons industry is facing many problems. Even
though,the market is going in a smooth and comfortable way with good number of transactions.Stretegic
investors know when to buy and sell to get good returns. Here is the time to you act as a stretegic
investor in the field of realestate especially in the area like Hyderabad.
About Hyderabad :
Hyderabad is place where all things are available at one place. Which has important
infrastructure ,tourism places, Man power with different cultured life style, ample of space for the future
development as infrastructure and to have different Projects of different Industries. Golkonda Fort,
Birla Mandir, Charminar etc.,are the unique hystorical places in the Indian History and finally It is a
wonderful tourism
Hyderabad became a great source for the IT Industry too. So many Multi National Companies (MNCs)
opened their branches in and around Hyderabad by having a look on the availbility of